What if St. Petersburg was part of Finland?

What if St. Petersburg was part of Finland?


St. Petersburg is a beautiful city renowned for its rich history, stunning architecture, and cultural significance. However, have you ever wondered what would happen if St. Petersburg was part of Finland? This hypothetical scenario raises several questions and curious possibilities. In this article, we will explore the potential consequences, both positive and negative, of St. Petersburg becoming a part of Finland from various perspectives, including economic, political, cultural, environmental, and societal.

St. Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great in the early 18th century and was the capital of the Russian Empire until the communist revolution in 1917. The city's grandeur and beauty are still evident today, with its elegant buildings, canals, and numerous cultural attractions. However, the city's history is also fraught with conflicts and tensions, including the Siege of Leningrad during World War II and the various revolutions and uprisings that occurred throughout its history. The possibility of St. Petersburg becoming a part of Finland raises several intriguing and provocative questions about how this might change the trajectory of this storied city's history.

The history of St. Petersburg and Finland

St. Petersburg is a city steeped in history, with roots that date back to the early 18th century. Originally founded by Peter the Great in 1703, the city was named after the saint of the day and served as the capital of Russia until 1918. St. Petersburg was known for its architecture, art, music, and literature, as well as its vibrant economy and strong ties to the Baltic region. As such, St. Petersburg remains a cultural and economic hub in Russia to this day, attracting millions of tourists and businesspeople each year.

Finland, on the other hand, has a long and complicated history with Russia. Finland was originally part of Sweden, but in 1809, Russia claimed the territory as part of its expanding empire. Finland gained independence from Russia in 1917, but the two countries have remained intertwined ever since. Finland has benefited greatly from its proximity to St. Petersburg, with many Finnish companies doing business in the city and tens of thousands of Finns visiting St. Petersburg each year. The relationship between Russia and Finland has had its ups and downs over the years, but there is no doubt that the two countries are closely linked both geographically and historically.

The consequences of St. Petersburg being part of Finland

If St. Petersburg became a part of Finland, it would have significant consequences for both Russia and Finland. One of the most significant consequences would be the loss of a vital and strategic port for Russia. St. Petersburg is home to one of Russia's busiest ports, and it's an essential gateway to the Baltic Sea. It provides Russia with access to markets in Western Europe and beyond, and without it, Russia's economy would suffer significantly.

On the other hand, if St. Petersburg became part of Finland, it would create new opportunities for Finland. Finland is a small nation that has struggled to maintain its economic footing in the global marketplace. Becoming home to a bustling and prosperous city like St. Petersburg could provide Finland with a significant economic boost. The city would become a gateway to the East for Finland and would provide Finnish businesses with access to new markets and opportunities. However, it remains to be seen whether the potential economic benefits would outweigh the costs of the political, social, and cultural upheavals that would surely accompany such a shift in borders.

The economic impact on Finland and Russia

The economic implications of St. Petersburg being part of Finland are complex and multifaceted. Firstly, it would lead to a significant boost in Finland's economy, as the city is one of the most prosperous in Russia and a major economic hub. The city has a well-developed infrastructure and is home to numerous industries, including manufacturing, technology, and tourism. As such, Finland would benefit from increased access to these industries, potentially leading to a rise in job opportunities and higher GDP.

On the other hand, Russia would face an economic setback as the city generates a significant portion of its revenues. The city is a major source of tax revenue for the Russian government, and its loss would disproportionately impact its economy. Furthermore, the city is Russia's gateway to the Baltic Sea and its main port, which would be lost if it were to become part of Finland. The loss of this port would be detrimental to Russia's shipping industry and hinder its ability to export goods. However, it's worth noting that the economic impact on Russia would depend on the terms of the transfer – for example, if Russia were to receive compensation for the loss of the city, it could mitigate some of the negative economic effects.

The political implications

The political implications of St. Petersburg becoming part of Finland are far-reaching and complex. This scenario would involve a significant transfer of power and jurisdiction, as St. Petersburg is currently the second largest city in Russia and a major cultural and economic center. Any proposal to change its status would have serious political implications for both countries.

From Finland's perspective, reclaiming St. Petersburg would be a major victory and a significant boost to its international prestige. It would also increase its influence in the region and strengthen its position as a major power in northern Europe. However, it would also entail significant challenges, such as the need to manage an ethnically diverse and cosmopolitan city with a complex infrastructure and a large population of Russian-speaking citizens. For Russia, losing control of St. Petersburg would be a major blow to its image as a great power and a significant loss of territory and resources. It would also likely intensify nationalist sentiments and anti-Finnish sentiment among Russian citizens, making it a politically charged issue for both sides.

The cultural impact

The cultural impact of St. Petersburg becoming a part of Finland is multifaceted. St. Petersburg, founded in 1703 by Peter the Great, has a rich history and is often considered the cultural capital of Russia. The city's architecture, museums, and theatres attract millions of tourists every year. If the city were to become a part of Finland, it would be a significant blow to Russian cultural identity.

On the other hand, St. Petersburg's integration into Finland would bring about new cultural and artistic opportunities, as the Finnish and Russian cultures could merge and create something unique. Finnish artists and performers could showcase their talents in St. Petersburg, and Russian artists could likewise bring their artistic expressions to Finland, creating an exchange that could be mutually beneficial. However, it is also important to consider that some resistance from the Russian population is possible, as they may view their cultural heritage as being threatened by Finnish influence.

The environmental impact

The incorporation of St. Petersburg into Finland would have significant environmental impacts in the region, affecting the air, water, and soil qualities. St. Petersburg is a highly industrialized city and is known to have one of the highest levels of pollution in the world. Therefore, Finnish authorities would have to undertake extensive measures to mitigate the harmful effects of this pollution on the surrounding environment.

The pollution in St. Petersburg mainly comes from the city's numerous factories and industries, as well as the transportation system that relies heavily on diesel-fueled vehicles. This pollution would have a severe impact on the water quality of the Gulf of Finland, which would directly affect the delicate ecological balance of the Baltic Sea. Contaminated groundwater and soil could also make agriculture difficult and could harm the health of the people living in the region.

The potential for conflict and resolution

The idea of St. Petersburg becoming part of Finland can easily raise concerns and conflicts between the two countries. Russia has expressed its concern that if Finland incorporates St. Petersburg, it would be a clear violation of its territorial integrity. Furthermore, Russians see St. Petersburg as a part of their cultural legacy, which would be lost if it were to become a part of another country.

The situation could also trigger security concerns in Finland. Russia has become increasingly aggressive in recent years, and Finland being a NATO partner means that any move seen as encroaching on Russian interests has the potential for increased military consequence. Therefore, incorporating St. Petersburg could be seen as a hostile move towards Russia, which could lead to conflict. However, several peaceful diplomatic channels could be explored to ease the tensions and avoid any potential conflict.

Public opinion and reactions

The potential change of St. Petersburg's status has sparked various reactions among the public. In Finland, there is a sense of pride at the possibility of acquiring a renowned cultural city with a rich history. Some argue that the city's incorporation into Finland would enhance the nation's economy, as it would lead to an increase in tourism and trade activity. Others point out that the Finnish language would need to be adopted as one of the official languages and that the city's infrastructure and public services would require considerable investments from the government.

On the other side, in Russia, any idea of permanently losing one of the nation's most iconic cities is largely unpopular. The possible loss of St. Petersburg provokes an emotional response among Russians, who see it as a historical and cultural center. Russian officials have shown little interest in the proposal, with some calling it an infringement of the nation's sovereignty. The general feeling is that losing St. Petersburg would diminish Russia's global standing, which could potentially damage the nation's diplomatic relations with other major powers.


In conclusion, the question of what if St. Petersburg was part of Finland is an intriguing one. The historical context provides significant insight into the potential consequences of such a scenario. The integration of St. Petersburg into Finland would have undoubtedly had economic and political implications for both Russia and Finland. It would also have resulted in a significant cultural shift, potentially leading to conflicts in the region. The possible environmental impact of such an arrangement is also worth considering.

While it is hard to predict the consequences of this scenario with certainty, it is apparent that it would have resulted in significant changes for both countries. The geopolitical implications are enormous, and the potential for conflict cannot be ignored. Regardless of the outcome, it is imperative to recognize the historical and cultural significance of St. Petersburg to Russia and the world. Ultimately, it is essential to understand that both Russia and Finland are unique countries with their own traditions, cultures, and aspirations. Bearing this in mind, any discussion of the potential integration of St. Petersburg into Finland must consider the wider ramifications on both nations.


1. Would the language be different if St. Petersburg became part of Finland?

The language spoken in St. Petersburg is predominantly Russian. However, Finland recognises two official languages, Finnish and Swedish. If St. Petersburg were to become part of Finland, it would be interesting to see whether the city would adopt a new official language or whether Russian would continue to be the primary language spoken. It is possible that both Russian and Finnish or Swedish could become recognised as official languages of St. Petersburg.

2. How would borders and citizenship be affected?

If St. Petersburg were to become part of Finland, it could have a significant impact on the borders and citizenship of both countries. Russian citizens living in St. Petersburg would have to apply for Finnish citizenship if they wanted to stay in the city, which could create a lot of administrative work for both countries. Meanwhile, Finland and Russia would have to work out a new border agreement, which could be difficult given that both countries have had territorial disputes in the past. However, it is possible that a new agreement could be reached that would be more favourable to both countries.

Alex Poloz
